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Hi, This is  Michael Hall!
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Several years ago, I began my own search to find a solution to a problem that my own coaching experience had prepared me to face. The inevitable spate of sports related injuries. These is an obvious missing dimension in sports training - preventing athletes from maintaining their health and fitness. I believe that this missing dimension is Tai Chi.

Tai Chi into Squash  - A Balance Approach.

It is a unique exercise that has built into it, a system of health improvement. It is designed to relax body and mind, improve concentration and develop flexibility and strength without creating further stress on the body. Also as "cross training" gains in popularity my methods have a distinct advantage over others currently being used. They are evenly balanced, self regulating and do not subject the body to the sudden shearing and tearing forces that so commonly lead to injury.

Although I have concentrated on introducing this unique way to improve sports performance to mostly squash players and golfers - my wide knowledge of other sports has enabled me to realize and demonstrate that any sports person can "cross train" the many benefits to be gained into their own specialized sporting activity.

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